2022-2023 Staff

Editor & Faculty Advisor

Sarah Domet is the Editor and faculty advisor of The Broken Plate. She is the author of two books: a novel, The Guineveres (Flatiron Books/Macmillan 2016), and an instructional craft book, 90 Days to Your Novel (Writers Digest Books/Penguin Random House 2010). Her short work and essays have recently been published in Lit Hub, The South Carolina Review, Burrow Press Review, and other places. You can find her on Twitter @sarahdomet.

Managing Editor

Joshua Nixon is a senior at Ball State University. He has a concentration in Creative Writing and a minor in Screen Writing. This is his first year with The Broken Plate but he is more than excited to be leading the team this year. He has also worked on a multi device game called Canning Season made for the park Minnetrista. He hopes to use his experience in The Broken Plate to a career as a Narrative designer in the gaming industry. You can find his twitter at @NixonWriting.

Assistant Managing Editor

Katie Smith is an English major at Ball State University with a concentration in Creative Writing. She is the Assistant Managing Editor at The Broken Plate for 2022-2023. She looks forward to producing the next issue of The Broken Plate. In her free time, you can find her world building and helping fellow writers come up with ideas for their own stories.

Associate Fiction Editor

Grace Beckham is a senior at Ball State with a concentration in creative writing and minors in film and screenwriting, peace studies and conflict resolution, and social and environmental justice. She is The Broken Plate’s Associate Fiction Editor for 2023. She’s a writing and study skills tutor through the learning center on Ball State campus. She writes fiction, poetry, and screenplays for film and video games. She strives to put her degree to use in the publishing and editing industry. One any given day, you can count on her jamming to Duran Duran, watching campy horror films, and reading Michael Crichton.

Assistant Fiction Editors

Thaddeus Lee is a senior at Ball State University with a major in English and a minor in Screenwriting. He is the Assistant Fiction Editor at The Broken Plate for 2022-2023. After getting his undergraduate degree in English, he plans to pursue a Master of Fine Arts and use that knowledge to pursue screenwriting as a career. He enjoys reading and listening to audiobooks in his free time as much as he can. He hopes to use the knowledge that he has acquired during his studies to connect with other students, teach his practiced techniques to others, and is hopeful that they may benefit. He also hopes to continue to publish more fiction in the future.

Associate Poetry Editor

Grace Deak is a senior at Ball State University with a major in creative writing and a minor in literature, and she is currently the associate poetry editor for The Broken Plate. She has loved writing as long as she can remember, and currently, her brain has been overtaken by thoughts of Jujutsu Kaisen.

Assistant Poetry Editor

Jordyn Johnson is a senior Professional Writing major at Ball State University. She is the Assistant Poetry Editor for The Broken Plate 2023. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in the publishing industry. In her free time, she enjoys working on her current writing project and rewatching her favorite comfort shows.

Associate Nonfiction Editor

Kayla Hinckley is a senior in the creative writing program at Ball State University and is the Associate Nonfiction Editor of The Broken Plate for 2023. She is a US Navy veteran and has also been a military spouse and stay-at-home mom of a special needs child for 10 years and has now turned single mother. She earned an Associate’s in Accounting at Ivy Tech in 2013 and quickly learned that she hated that. Ultimately, after two years of deliberating, she finally decided that it was ok to follow her dreams and here she is. She intends to use her degree to pursue a career in the editing and publishing world. She is excited for the year ahead with The Broken Plate.

Assistant Nonfiction Editor

Joseph Heemstra is a third-year Creative Writing major at Ball State. He is the Assistant Nonfiction Editor for The Broken Plate’s 2023 issue. After completing his bachelor’s degree, he plans to pursue a career in freelance writing. Much of his personal time is spent baking, gaming, and, of course, writing.

Associate Design Editor

Lava Koon is a senior at Ball State University and is majoring in English with a concentration in creative writing. She is currently the Associate Design Editor for The Broken Plate. In the future, she hopes to write for animated shows and movies. In her free time, she enjoys writing, drawing, listening to music, psychologically analyzing fictional characters, and hanging out with her cat.

Assistant Design Editor 

Lauren G is a 21-year-old artist and senior at BSU who is hungry for the kind of knowledge that feeds creativity and yields meaningful conversations. A double major in English and Music Production, she is fascinated by communication at every level, and is determined to connect the expression of art to its interpretation through any means possible. Over the years, she has generated countless poems, stories, songs, artworks, and articles in the attempt to better understand her self, her peers, and the world at large. In July 2021, she released her debut EP, Lost & Found & Free, under the stage name Saint Lavender. She is currently working on her first full-length album, More Time.

Website/Social Media Editor

Angela Doherty is a senior at Ball State University studying English with a concentration in Creative Writing and a minor in Film and Screenwriting. She is the current Social Media and Website Editor for The Broken Plate. After she graduates, she hopes to pursue a Masters in Creative Writing abroad. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music, writing, and watching too many movies and TV shows. You can find her twitter @ang_doherty.


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