Contributor Interviews

David Goldstein & “How to Talk to Cops”

David Goldstein spent eight years as a criminal defense attorney. He reversed more than 60 felony convictions in appellate courts including the Detroit Black Panther shooting of police officers. In the 60s, he did civil rights work in Mississippi with the Reverend Dick Fernandez and also wrote legal briefs for the Chicago Seven. He now …

Contributor Interviews

Gladys Justin Carr & “La Immortelle”

Gladys Justin Carr is an award-winning poet whose work has been published in over 100 literary magazines and journals. She is a recovering publishing executive who dropped out of Korporate Amerika to write full time. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, she was the Nicolson Trustee Fellow at Smith College and the Wilcox Fellow at Cornell. …

Contributor Interviews

Emily Turner & “All That Glitters”

Emily Turner is a senior at Ball State University, majoring in English studies and minoring in creative as well as professional writing. From a young age, Emily has used reading and writing to express herself. Through her writing, she hopes to deliver her personal truths to her readers.  The following is an interview with Emily …

Commentary on Published Pieces

Commentary on “Another Boyman Shouts ‘Faggot’ at Me from His Car” by Levi Todd from TBP 2018

Ashley Burns is the Assistant Managing Editor of The Broken Plate 2021. She is currently majoring in English Literature and minoring in Marketing and Professional Writing and Emerging Media. In this post, Ashley provides commentary on Levi Todd’s poem “Another Boyman Shouts ‘Faggot’ at Me from His Car,” which was previously published in our 2018 …