The Broken Plate is a literary magazine that seeks to provide a platform for individual stories. Each individual has a story, and we live in a society that privileges certain stories over others. This is true, especially in the literary world. However, The Broken Plate seeks to combat this by amplifying voices with particular attention …
This Is Where It Ends and Human Fragility by Tauri Hagemann
Here at The Broken Plate, one of our core ideas is that of the fragility of the human condition, but in the ability to put those pieces back together into beauty and art. In my personal reading, a book that many friends were highly recommending to me was Marieke Nijkamp’s This Is Where It Ends …
Welcome to The Broken Plate Recommends
Each week, members of The Broken Plate‘s staff will write blog posts recommending books, stories, poems and art that they find arresting and interesting. This can be anything that they find pertains to the mission that we stand for, as long as we feel that it is work of merit that fits with the brand and …
Fundamentalism by Aaron Dwyer
Aaron Dwyer is a writer of both prose and screenplays, including the short film “Home Sweet Home,” which was featured in the 2020 Frog Baby Film Festival. They consider themselves an emerging poet because their last published poem was written for a Celebration of Young Poets volume in the second grade and had something to …
Skylar Denman & “Forgotten Memories”
Skylar Joseph is a photographer from Fort Wayne, Indiana that specializes in music and family photography. As a full-time guitar technician and studio photographer, their time is heavily occupied by day to day work. In their travels they have found therapy in snapping pictures on the road of various subjects. You can find their work at com …
Rebekah Hoffer & “Something Sweeter”
Rebekah Hoffer is a double major in creative writing and Spanish who has recently become far too engrossed in crocheting – something to add to the long list of evidence that she’s actually sixty years old, despite appearing twenty-one. Her work has been published in River Teeth Revisited, The Odyssey, and Ball Bearings Magazine. Rebekah is also a …
The Poetry of Bridget Donnellan
Bridget Donnellan graduated Ball State University in December of 2020 with a double major in creative writing and French and a minor in linguistics. This is her first publication, and she plans on pursuing an MFA in creative writing in the future. In her free time, she likes to hang out with her cat Eiler, …
David Goldstein & “How to Talk to Cops”
David Goldstein spent eight years as a criminal defense attorney. He reversed more than 60 felony convictions in appellate courts including the Detroit Black Panther shooting of police officers. In the 60s, he did civil rights work in Mississippi with the Reverend Dick Fernandez and also wrote legal briefs for the Chicago Seven. He now …
Gladys Justin Carr & “La Immortelle”
Gladys Justin Carr is an award-winning poet whose work has been published in over 100 literary magazines and journals. She is a recovering publishing executive who dropped out of Korporate Amerika to write full time. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, she was the Nicolson Trustee Fellow at Smith College and the Wilcox Fellow at Cornell. …
Emily Turner & “All That Glitters”
Emily Turner is a senior at Ball State University, majoring in English studies and minoring in creative as well as professional writing. From a young age, Emily has used reading and writing to express herself. Through her writing, she hopes to deliver her personal truths to her readers. The following is an interview with Emily …
Commentary on “A Microsome of Married Life: The Grocery List” by JB Bilbrey from TBP 2019
Shelby Good is an Assistant Poetry Editor of The Broken Plate. They are a senior English major with a concentration in Creative Writing. In this post, Shelby provides commentary on JB Bilbrey’s piece “A Microsome of Married Life: The Grocery List,” which was previously published in our 2019 issue of The Broken Plate. If …
Commentary on “A Simple Exchange” by Judith Grissmer from TBP 2018, Part Two
Emily Helmer is an Assistant Nonfiction Editor of The Broken Plate 2021. She is a senior English major with a Creative Writing concentration at Ball State University. In this post, Emily provides commentary on Judith Grissmer’s poem “A Simple Exchange,” which was previously published in our 2018 issue of The Broken Plate. A Simple …