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Showing 56 Result(s)
How to Build a Writer's Community

Writer’s Community by Blake Murray

I don’t know about you, but before I studied writing I had a specific, singular vision of what being a writer was. In my mind’s eye I’d conjure up the image of someone locked in an office, curtains half drawn, lazy dust-motes drifting in shafts of sunlight, clacking away furiously at a typewriter or keyboard. …

Life as a Writing Student

Unwritten Dreams, Unshaken Resolve by Anna Smith

Any writer out there can probably identify with this: writing without a finish line in sight is difficult—the kind of difficult that has me wanting to curl up into a little ball, quit school, and just bury myself in retail work for the rest of my life. At least then, I’d be making some kind …

Life as a Writing Student

Confronting Difficult Material by Kya Twitty

Sometimes the most important pieces are the most difficult to write. I learned this in one of my writing classes when I set out to write a personal essay about my father, who was never very present in my life due to his long-term drug abuse. Before I began writing this essay, I avoided it. …

About the Broken Plate

Welcome to the Broken Plate!

Hello everyone! This academic year marks the official return of The Broken Plate! Our editorial team of Ball State students is hard at work producing the 2025 issue. After nineteen years of publication, The Broken Plate took a hiatus last year to regroup and plan for our next decade. Now we are back! The release …

Exploring Creativity

Imposter Syndrome by Jordyn Johnson

Most artists, no matter their medium, fall into imposter syndrome at some point or another. Writers are certainly no exception. For years, I have stumbled over the words, “I am a writer.” The following question to this statement tends to be, “What have you written?” And I stumble over that answer even more. But why? …